Monday, 16 April 2012

International Fan Project - Happy Birthday to Versailles!

As you all kow the 5th bithday/anniversary of Versailles ~Philharmonic Quintet~ is fast appraoching. (June!)

The Street Teams around the world have gathered to decide on a suitable project to celebrate a special occasion like this. We all wish for everyone to participate from everywhere. We hope to pull off a magnificient project! 
So the plan?

A giant mosiac made from pictures from as many Roses as possible!

Submissions have to be  Pictures ONLY

-  How many  pictures can I send ?? 
From 1 to 5 pictures by fan

-   What about resolution and dimension ?
 They  don’t matter but please JPEG ONLY

-  What kind of pictures can I send ?  
Versailles related pictures !

              - pictures done before/after concerts with friends
              - pictures done during Versailles meeting
              - cosplay pictures
              - your Versailles goods collection/
              - a music instrument you’re playing
              - a famous building or live house in your town
              - a special picture made for their 5th anniversary
              - the mask you created for the Holy Grail tour....

                                   /!\ DON’T submit /!\

               -  pictures of the band (it’s not the point !)
               -  pictures taken during concerts
               -  suggestives pictures of you
               -  weird macro from Tumblr
               - yaoi/ shonen ai photo of the band
               -  messages asking the band to come to your place
               -  anything not related to the band. 


Please note a few things :

   -  We need various types of pictures : dark and light pictures ; landscapes and faces ; interiors and exteriors
   -   Pictures will be cropped to have the same size so be sure that the main subject will be in the center rather than on the borders
/!\ Please add your name and country on each pic /!\

Send your pictures only BY MAIL

  -   to your Street Team if you want to be sure that the pictures you are submitting are ok.
  -    directly to the french Street Team mail account
(if you have troubles drop us a message either on FB or Twitter)

                                  /!\ Deadline : ===> 31 may 2012 <=== /!\

Since the printing and sending will cost money, if you wanna donate money for the project, please contact your ST or mail the french ST directly, thank you!




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